Francis Wheatley,

Artist Overview

Artist name:Francis Wheatley

Works of Art: 4

George Sigmund Facius (circa 1750–after 1814); Johann Gottlieb Facius (circa 1750–after 1802); Francis Wheatley, All's Well that Ends Well, Act V, Scene III
George Sigmund Facius (circa 1750–after 1814); Johann Gottlieb Facius (circa 1750–after 1802); Francis Wheatley
Francis Wheatley; James Fittler (1758–1835), Winter's Tale, Act IV, Scene III
Francis Wheatley; James Fittler (1758–1835)
Francis Wheatley; Jean Pierre Simon (before 1750–circa 1810), Taming of the Shrew, Act II, Scene II
Francis Wheatley; Jean Pierre Simon (before 1750–circa 1810)
Francis Wheatley; Caroline Watson (1760 or 1761–1814), The Tempest, Act V, Scene I
Francis Wheatley; Caroline Watson (1760 or 1761–1814)