Brosseau Center for Learning: Korean Ceramics 1
Exhibition Overview

Brosseau Center for Learning: Korean Ceramics 1
January 23, 2018–February 11, 2018
Gallery 318, The Jack and Lavon Brosseau Center for Learning, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Selections for the Ceramics of Korea
Works of art

400–500, Silla dynasty (57 BCE–CE 935)

400s–500s, Three Kingdoms period (37 BCE–668 CE)

800s, Silla dynasty (57 BCE–CE 935)

400s–500s, Silla dynasty (57 BCE–CE 935)

Southern Song dynasty (1127–1279)

1100s, Song dynasty (960–1279)

circa 1000, Song dynasty (960–1279)

500s, Three Kingdoms period (37 BCE–668 CE)

1200s, Southern Song dynasty (1127–1279)

1100s–1200s, Jin dynasty (1115–1234)

1100s–1300s, Southern Song dynasty (1127–1279)–Yüan dynasty (1279–1368)