knowledges Colloquium, Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru): Nicholas Mirzoeff: Whiteness: What is to Be Done?

Event date, time, and location

November 7, 2019

Event description

This keynote by visual culture scholar Nicholas Mirzoeff investigated whether art spaces can serve as sites to decenter whiteness and stimulate social justice. In the context of highly visible social symbols, such as colonial monuments and border walls, Mirzoeff prompts us to consider how we can understand and engage with issues of race, hierarchy, and political power. He urges white people to recognize their complicity within current power structures, and asks: What can white people and predominantly white institutions do to foster mutual and productive exchange? Respondents included Sarah Hunt (University of British Columbia-Vancouver) and Ron Morrison (USC-LA). Moderated by Curator for Researcher Joey Orr.

Co-sponsor: Spencer Museum of Art