Mini College: Cryptograph

Event date, time, and location

June 4, 2012
318 Brosseau Learning Center

Event description

Cryptograph is organized in conjunction with the many celebrations taking place around the world in honor of the centenary of Alan Turing (1912-1954), the brilliant British mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and pioneering computer scientist. Turing’s world-changing innovations include the Turing Machine, a conceptual machine that builds on the notion of the algorithm and lays the foundation of modern computing. As a cryptanalyst during World War II, Turing’s breakthroughs in logic allowed him to decipher the German encrypting device known as the Enigma Machine which was used extensively in communication between German U-boats. Turing was also deeply involved in the idea of “Machine Intelligence,” and he developed a test for artificial intelligence that is still in use today. Late in his career Turing became fascinated with the field of mathematical biology, a field that explores the mathematical underpinnings of morphogenesis, the origins and evolution of biological form. The exhibition draws from the Spencer’s permanent collections seeking works that resonate with the kinds of questions that drove Turing’s research: finding meaning in patterns, and finding connections between mathematics and computing, intelligence and natural form. The exhibition was conceived in consultation and collaboration with KU’s Information and Telecommunication Technology Center and the Biodiversity Institute.

Co-sponsors: College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Spencer Museum of Art