Hybrid Practices in the Arts, Sciences, and Technology from the 1960s to Today: Hybrid Practices: Anne Collins Goodyear Keynote: Launching ‘Hybrid Practices’ in the 1960s: On the Perils and Promise of Art and Technology

Event date, time, and location

March 10, 2015
The Commons

Event description

The 1960s witnessed an exciting explosion of collaborations between artists, technologists, and scientists. Among these experimental partnerships were projects carried out under the auspices of Experiments in Art and Technology, “Art and Technology” at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT, and even NASA. Anne Collins Goodyear’s presentation examines the cultural and political environment that helped spawn (and later challenged) these undertakings-an environment that ultimately prepared the ground for today’s fertile field of hybrid practices. Anne Collins Goodyear is co-director of the Bowdoin College Museum of Art and past president of the College Art Association. She co-edited Vol. 9 of Artefacts: Studies in the History of Science and Technology (Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2013) and has authored several essays on art-science-technology collaboration. This talk is part of the Hybrid Practices Conference. To learn more or register, visit http://www.spencerart.ku.edu/hybrid-practices.

Co-sponsors: Kress Foundation Department of Art History, The Commons, and Spencer Museum of Art