Albert Winslow Barker, 1874-1947

Artist Overview

Artist name:Albert Winslow Barker

Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Date of Birth: June 1, 1874
Place of Death: Moylan, Pennsylvania, United States
Date of Death: December 5, 1947
Active Country: United States

Works of Art: 5

In the Days Work #2, date unknown

Albert Winslow Barker (1874–1947), In the Days Work #2
Albert Winslow Barker (1874–1947)
date unknown

Ridge Farm, 1930

Albert Winslow Barker (1874–1947), Ridge Farm
Albert Winslow Barker (1874–1947)

The Old Cart, date unknown

Albert Winslow Barker (1874–1947), The Old Cart
Albert Winslow Barker (1874–1947)
date unknown
Albert Winslow Barker (1874–1947), The Spice Bush
Albert Winslow Barker (1874–1947)

Hauling the Log, date unknown

Albert Winslow Barker (1874–1947), Hauling the Log
Albert Winslow Barker (1874–1947)
date unknown

Exhibitions: 7