Leo Leander Courtney, 1890-1940

Artist Overview

Artist name:Leo Leander Courtney

Place of Birth: Hutchinson, Kansas, United States
Date of Birth: August 11, 1890
Place of Death: Wichita, Kansas, United States
Date of Death: August 11, 1940
Active Country: United States

Works of Art: 4

Leo Leander Courtney (1890–1940), The White Blankets People
Leo Leander Courtney (1890–1940)
circa 1930s

Santa Barbara, circa 1930s

Leo Leander Courtney (1890–1940), Santa Barbara
Leo Leander Courtney (1890–1940)
circa 1930s

Winter, circa 1930s

Leo Leander Courtney (1890–1940), Winter
Leo Leander Courtney (1890–1940)
circa 1930s

Poplars, circa 1930s

Leo Leander Courtney (1890–1940), Poplars
Leo Leander Courtney (1890–1940)
circa 1930s

Exhibitions: 2

Kate Meyer, curator
Kate Meyer, curator