Clarence Arnold Hotvedt, 1900-1991

Artist Overview

Artist name:Clarence Arnold Hotvedt

Place of Birth: Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States
Date of Birth: April 16, 1900
Place of Death: Wichita, Kansas, United States
Date of Death: May 26, 1991

Works of Art: 7

Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991), Midsummer Sun
Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991)
Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991), The Mill Road
Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991)

Two Pines, circa 1930

Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991), Two Pines
Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991)
circa 1930

In Old Provincetown, date unknown

Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991), In Old Provincetown
Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991)
date unknown

Three Scores and Ten, circa 1930

Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991), Three Scores and Ten
Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991)
circa 1930
Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991), Lonely Cottage
Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991)

Friendly Willows, date unknown

Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991), Friendly Willows
Clarence Arnold Hotvedt (1900–1991)
date unknown

Exhibitions: 7