Olga Bing, Artist Overview Artist name:Olga Bing Works of Art: 28 See all works Collapse works portfolio cover, 1917 Olga Bing portfolio cover 1917 title page, 1917 Olga Bing title page 1917 table of contents, 1917 Entrée de l'hôpital (Hospital Entrance), 1917 Olga Bing Entrée de l'hôpital (Hospital Entrance) 1917 Sur le quai de la gare (On the Train Station Platform), 1917 Olga Bing Sur le quai de la gare (On the Train Station Platform) 1917 Le Médecin-Major et ses infirmières (The Medical Doctor and his Nurses), 1917 Olga Bing Le Médecin-Major et ses infirmières (The Medical Doctor and his Nurses) 1917 Le chariot (The Gurney), 1917 Olga Bing Le chariot (The Gurney) 1917 Lavage d'une plaie (Washing a Wound), 1917 Olga Bing Lavage d'une plaie (Washing a Wound) 1917 Surveillant le pouls (Monitoring the Pulse), 1917 Olga Bing Surveillant le pouls (Monitoring the Pulse) 1917 Préliminaires de pansement (Preliminary Dressing), 1917 Olga Bing Préliminaires de pansement (Preliminary Dressing) 1917 "Le Canard" ("The Duck"), 1917 Olga Bing "Le Canard" ("The Duck") 1917 Bain de pieds (Footbath), 1917 Olga Bing Bain de pieds (Footbath) 1917 L'heure de la toilette (Wash Time), 1917 Olga Bing L'heure de la toilette (Wash Time) 1917 Grand blessé (Seriously Wounded), 1917 Olga Bing Grand blessé (Seriously Wounded) 1917 Bandages de bras (Arm Bandages), 1917 Olga Bing Bandages de bras (Arm Bandages) 1917 Le "bonnet du talon" (Heel Dressing), 1917 Olga Bing Le "bonnet du talon" (Heel Dressing) 1917 Le "bonnet de la tête" (Head Dressing), 1917 Olga Bing Le "bonnet de la tête" (Head Dressing) 1917 Infirmière à la seringue (Nurse with a Syringe), 1917 Olga Bing Infirmière à la seringue (Nurse with a Syringe) 1917 Les ventouses (Suction Cups), 1917 Olga Bing Les ventouses (Suction Cups) 1917 Plaie du genou (Knee Wound), 1917 Olga Bing Plaie du genou (Knee Wound) 1917 Le goûter (Taste It), 1917 Olga Bing Le goûter (Taste It) 1917 Pansement difficile (Difficult Dressing), 1917 Olga Bing Pansement difficile (Difficult Dressing) 1917 Examen d'une plaie (Inspecting a Wound), 1917 Olga Bing Examen d'une plaie (Inspecting a Wound) 1917 Bandage de la jambe (Leg Bandage), 1917 Olga Bing Bandage de la jambe (Leg Bandage) 1917 La pharmacie (The Pharmacy), 1917 Olga Bing La pharmacie (The Pharmacy) 1917 Convalescents (Convalescents), 1917 Olga Bing Convalescents (Convalescents) 1917 Le savonnage des tables (Cleaning the Tables), 1917 Olga Bing Le savonnage des tables (Cleaning the Tables) 1917 Les premiers pas (First Steps), 1917 Olga Bing Les premiers pas (First Steps) 1917