Brosseau Center for Learning: Teaching from the Collection


Exhibition Overview

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Brosseau Center for Learning: Teaching from the Collection
Sherry Fowler, curator
CuratedByVoc, curator
CuratedByVoc, curator
Kate Meyer, curator
Gallery 318, The Jack and Lavon Brosseau Center for Learning, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

Selections from the collection to serve classes in Asian Art History, Classics, Environmental Studies, and Sociology.

Works of art

Ester Hernandez (born 1944), Sun Mad
Ester Hernandez (born 1944)
Guanyin (Avalokitesvara)
1800s, Qing dynasty (1644–1911)
seated Buddha in padmasana (lotus position)
circa 800s, Tang Dynasty (618–907)
Kichizan Minchō (1351 or 1352–1431), Tōfukuji Nehanzō (Parinirvana image from Tōfukuji temple in Kyoto)
Kichizan Minchō (1351 or 1352–1431)
late Edo period (1600–1868) to early Meiji period (1868–1912)
Aoki Mokubei (1767–1833), Landscape in the Mi manner
late 1700s–early 1800s, Edo period (1600–1868)
Fūgai Ekun (1568–1654), Daruma crossing the river
Fūgai Ekun (1568–1654)
late 1500s–early 1600s, Momoyama period (1573–1615) or Edo period (1600–1868)
Gabriel Salmon (active 1504–1542), Hercules and the Nemean Lion
Gabriel Salmon (active 1504–1542)
circa 1528
Yamamoto Baiitsu (1783–1856), Bamboo and Chrysanthemums
Yamamoto Baiitsu (1783–1856)
early 1800s, Edo period (1600–1868)
Gōshō Mandara (Mandala of Amitābha’s Welcoming Descent)
possibly 1800s, Edo period (1600–1868)
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797–1858), #47 Fudō Waterfall at Ōji
1857, 9th month, Edo period (1600–1868)
Hyakuman-tō (three-tiered pagoda)
1700s or 1800s, Edo period (1600–1868)
Buddha and Disciples
circa 200s CE, Kushan dynasty
Suzuki Harunobu (circa 1725–1770), Ayasato smoking a pipe
1770, Edo period (1600–1868)