Politics, Race, Celebrity: Photographs from the Esquire Collection


Exhibition Overview

Politics, Race, Celebrity: Photographs from the Esquire Collection
Politics, Race, Celebrity: Photographs from the Esquire Collection
Luke Jordan, curator
Kate Meyer, curator
March 16, 2019–July 7, 2019
Gallery 404, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Politics, Race, Celebrity shares photographs of trenchant, surprising, and memorable moments captured by photographers working for Esquire magazine. This exhibition situates photographs from Esquire in dialogue with concurrent cultural and historical movements and explores the relationship between the photographs and the ways they appeared in the pages of Esquire.

Exhibition images

Works of art


May 23, 2019
Spencer Museum of Art, Kemper Family Foundations Balcony, 408
April 7, 2019
Spencer Museum of Art, Larry and Barbara Marshall Family Balcony, 404