Chaotic Lip, Elizabeth Murray

Artwork Overview

Chaotic Lip, 1986
Where object was made: United States
Material/technique: oil; canvas
Object Length/Width/Depth (Length x Width x Depth): 298.5 x 219.7 x 30.5 cm
Object Length/Width/Depth (Length x Width x Depth): 86 1/2 x 117 1/2 x 12 1/2 in
Credit line: Museum purchase: Friends of the Art Museum and Helen Foresman Spencer Art Acquisition Fund
Accession number: 1987.0035
On display: Michaelis Gallery

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Label texts

Archive Label: Elizabeth Murray has explored the formal expressive potentials of painting for nearly three decades, at a time when traditional distinctions between painting and sculpture were being questioned by American artists. Chaotic Lip shows Murray’s fascination with such contradictions. The work contains a tension between the spatial illusionism of painting and the three-dimensionality of relief sculpture, as it twists and pulls away form the wall. It may be difficult for the viewer to decide whether the piece is painted sculpture or a sculpted painting. Murray’s art is not “pretty” or easy to like. She deliberately chooses muddy, raw colors, a tripped oddly distorted shaped canvas, and a crudely half-painted style to present her strange, biomorphic images, which seem to be derived from both dreams and comic books. Murray began her career studying commercial illustration and cartooning and cone can see this playful aspect in her work. She loves the way the exaggerated gestures of figures in cartoons zoom in and out of space, and she uses some of those effects in this piece. An exaggerated pair of lips appears in the upper part and as a cut-out on a square in the center of the work. Four similar squares rush outward in comic-book fashion on each of the four corners of the “painting.” Murray also tries to convey a sense of spontaneity and process - the chaos of creation - in this piece by leaving staples, frayed edges, and unpainted areas of canvas exposed as if the work were unfinished.



Didactic – Art Minute
Didactic – Art Minute
Episode 10. I’m David Cateforis with another art minute from the Spencer Museum of Art. Among the Spencer’s most impressive works is a nearly ten-foot-tall painting called “Chaotic Lip.” It was made in 1986 by the New York artist, Elizabeth Murray. We usually expect paintings to be flat and rectangular, but Murray’s painting is neither; it’s built over a bulging plywood support that extends up to a foot off the wall; and it’s shaped something like a giant amoeba. The painting’s central image, set against a yellow and pink background, is an animated, dark green table, with a skewed top and rubbery legs that evoke the torso and limbs of a dancing figure. The figure’s head is a squiggly red doughnut shape - perhaps the chaotic lip of the title - connected by a cord to a hole in the table - and it’s an actual hole that reveals the wall behind the painting. The hole’s outline suggests a human profile, and the cord and doughnut shape resemble a cartoon speech balloon. They can conjure up many other associations as well. Like many works of modern art, Elizabeth Murray’s painting is full of playful ambiguity and welcomes our imaginative interaction. Come and explore for yourself. From the Spencer Museum of Art, I’m David Cateforis.
Audio Tour – Ear for Art
Audio Tour – Ear for Art
Is this a painting or a sculpture? As it twists and pulls away from the wall, Elizabeth Murray’s Chaotic Lip challenges the traditional distinction between painting and sculpture. With this work, Murray demonstrates that painting and sculpture do not have to be exclusive.
