Policy Library

Browse our appraisal policy and governing documents, learn about our image services, and submit a facility use request


The Spencer Museum of Art is prohibited from offering valuations, appraisals, or authentications for works of art. Appraisal and authentication should be conducted by a certified appraiser or reputable auction house.

The following organizations provide a directory of members that provide appraisal services.

The American Institute for Conservation provides a database of conservators that can be searched by location, object type, and conservation specialty. KU Libraries also offers a list of conservation resources.

Image services

The Spencer Museum of Art offers high-quality images of works in our collection. Although the Museum owns the works in its collection, it does not own the copyrights for those works. Copyright may be held by an artist, estate, gallery, or agency. Permission to reproduce a work from the Spencer Museum’s collection must be secured from the copyright holder unless the work is in the public domain. 

Reproduction and digital file preparation fees will vary depending on image use.

Image service fees

All image requests will include a digital file preparation fee. For images that will be published, an additional reproduction fee is calculated based on print run, language editions, and size of reproduction. 

Payment must be received in advance of shipment on all international orders. We accept payment in the form of checks drawn from a U.S. bank, paid in U.S. dollars and by credit card (VISA or Mastercard).

Digital File Preparation Fee

Digital File Preparation Fee 

  • $100 Commercial or not-for-profit publication 
  • $50 Scholarly publication 
  • $35 Scholarly research or personal use (limited to dissertations, other scholarly research, or personal use—not for publication)

Reproduction Fee- Commercial

Reproduction Fee: Commercial or Not-for-profit 

Examples of commercial use include textbooks, children’s books, magazines, newspapers, album covers.

Fee Table - Commercial

Press RunQuarter pageHalf pageFull pageCover

Reproduction Fee - Scholarly

Reproduction Fee: Scholarly Publication 

Examples of scholarly publications include exhibition catalogues, scholarly journals, and catalogue raisonnés. 

Fee Table - Scholarly Publication

Press RunQuarter pageHalf pageFull pageCover

Contact us

For questions about copyright status or reproduction permissions, please reach out to:

Rights and Reproductions

Governing documents

Book our facilities

Our spaces are available to University groups and community organizations to host programs and events. The Museum cannot be used for personal events such as weddings, parties, or receptions. Fees vary based on staffing, security, and equipment needs.

Contact us

To discuss booking our facilities, please reach out to:

Celka Straughn

Deputy Director for Public Practice