A young Black woman stands in front of a large painting and speaks into a microphone to a group of people

Student Opportunities

We offer educational and professional opportunities for university students that connect them with accomplished scholars and mentors, provide practical experience in museum work, and recognize creative achievements. Student hourly jobs and graduate internships support departments across the Spencer and provide valuable experience for a range of careers.

Jobs and internships

Student hourly jobs are open to KU students at any level of study and are posted throughout the year as opportunities arise.

Check our employment page to see current opportunities. 


Our graduate internship program is open to KU students pursuing a master's degree or PhD. Open positions are typically posted in early January for the following academic year. 

Learn more about the program.

Student Ambassadors

Our Student Ambassadors program trains KU students to guide tours for the many third- and fourth-grade classes that visit the Museum each year. Ambassadors are paid student hourly positions.

Find out more.

Student Advisory Board

The Spencer Student Advisory Board (SSAB) serves as a link between the Museum and university students. Students from all areas and levels of study are welcome to join the SSAB anytime during the academic year.

Find out more.

Brosseau Creativity Awards

The Jack and Lavon Brosseau Creativity Awards recognize outstanding creative work by KU undergraduate students in any area of study. Two awards are given annually in the categories of writing and diverse media. 

Learn more and apply.