Diane Arbus: Magazine Work, 1960-1971 (Diane Arbus: In Print, 1960-1971)


Exhibition Overview

Diane Arbus: Magazine Work, 1960-1971 (Diane Arbus: In Print, 1960-1971)
Diane Arbus: Magazine Work, 1960-1971 (Diane Arbus: In Print, 1960-1971)
Thomas Southall, curator
January 22, 1984–March 4, 1984
White Gallery, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Diane Arbus' photographs for magazines included 25 vintage works from the Museum's Esquire Collection. The exhibition, supported by the National Endowment for the Arts, was organized at the Spencer Museum and scheduled to be seen at galleries across the United States. Thomas W. Southall, curator of photography, wrote the catalogue which wil be pubished by Aperture.

Exhibition images

Works of art