Interim Portrait #373, Bill Jacobson

Artwork Overview

born 1955
Interim Portrait #373, 1992
Where object was made: United States
Material/technique: chromogenic color print
Image Dimensions Height/Width (Height x Width): 610 x 509 mm
Image Dimensions Height/Width (Height x Width): 24 1/2 x 20 1/16 in
Frame Dimensions (Height x Width x Depth): 26 3/4 x 22 1/4 x 1 in
Weight (Weight): 7 lbs
Credit line: Museum purchase
Accession number: 1994.0057
Not on display

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Label texts

Exhibition Label: “Embodiment,” Nov-2005, Kate Meyer Bill Jacobson’s photographs, Interim Portraits and Interim Figures, draw on feelings and ideas associated with the body, AIDS, memory, loss, and vulnerability. The hazy, faded appearance that results from the process Jacobson uses to print his photographs intensifies their message. Archive Label 2003: Bill Jacobson’s photographs, Interim Portraits and Interim Figures, draw on feelings and ideas associated with AIDS, memory, loss, and vulnerability. The hazy, faded appearance that results from the process Jacobson uses to print his photographs intensifies their message.
