Untitiled, Sammie Jane Hardewig

Artwork Overview

Where object was made: United States
Material/technique: metal hooks; repurposed interior latex; oil paint; matte medium
Accession number: EL2022.003
Not on display

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Label texts

Student Juried Show: Debut the New
My practice reimagines the life of discarded interior latex house paints. Using mainly mistints and repurposed pigments, I harden the paint into free standing forms removing it from its intended skeletal wall structure. The paint has a life of its own, a body of its own, and creates a skin of its own. Both skin and paint protect, cover, contain, excrete, and decorate the homes we live in. I look to create parallels between the paint and our bodies to address the vulnerability of the human existence, while allowing the material its own level of agency in its newfound life.
