upheaval, Tiana Honda

Artwork Overview

Where object was made: United States
Material/technique: Stonehenge Fawn paper; photolithography; monoprint; screen print; watercolor
Accession number: EL2023.039
Not on display

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Label texts

Student Juried Show: Our Positions
Upheaval is defined as “a violent or sudden change or disruption to something.” I view my decision to move away from my home in Hawaiʻi and attend graduate school in Kansas to be a major disruption from the comforts of familiarity. For this print, I took inspiration from the old pahoehoe lava flows, the colors of the lava rock at Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park, and how all that I carry with me that makes me both kānaka maoli and kamaʻāina is embedded with me despite whatever huakaʻi (journey) I need to endure away from home.
