Theodoros Stamos, 1922-1997

Artist Overview

Artist name:Theodoros Stamos

Place of Birth: New York, New York, United States
Date of Birth: December 31, 1922
Place of Death: Ioannina, Greece
Date of Death: February 2, 1997
Active Country: United States

Works of Art: 4

Beach Poem, circa 1950

Theodoros Stamos (1922–1997), Beach Poem
Theodoros Stamos (1922–1997)
circa 1950
Theodoros Stamos (1922–1997), New Mexico Fragments
Theodoros Stamos (1922–1997)

Infinity Field, 1971–1972

Theodoros Stamos (1922–1997), Infinity Field
Theodoros Stamos (1922–1997)

Infinity Field, date unknown

Theodoros Stamos (1922–1997), Infinity Field
Theodoros Stamos (1922–1997)
date unknown

Exhibitions: 7