Interweaving Cultures along the Silk Road(s)


Exhibition Overview

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Interweaving Cultures along the Silk Road(s)
Sherry Fowler, curator
Kate Meyer, curator
September 4, 2020–December 13, 2020

This virtual exhibition is organized in conjunction with the symposium “Visual and Material Culture of the Silk Road(s).” It features objects from the Spencer Museum of Art that reflect historical and contemporary cultural influences related to the Silk Road, a 19th century term for the different trade routes that flourished between Europe and Asia from the 2nd century BCE to the mid-15th century.

Exhibition images

Works of art

Ōura Nobuyuki (born 1949); Yosuke Akiba, Publishers 21st Century, Inc.; Okabe Print Studio; Print House OM, I
Ōura Nobuyuki (born 1949); Yosuke Akiba, Publishers 21st Century, Inc.; Okabe Print Studio; Print House OM
1982–1983, Showa period (1926–1989)
textile fragment
1700s or 1800s, Qajar period (1794–1925)
woman's pleated wedding skirt
1800s, Qing dynasty (1644–1912)
Coptic textile fragment
Coptic period (300 CE–700 CE)
Coptic textile fragment
Coptic period (300 CE–700 CE)
tea bowl
1500s, Joseon dynasty (1392–1910)
covered box
1200s–1300s, Goryeo dynasty (918–1392)
Kundika (water vessel)
circa 1100s, Goryeo dynasty (918–1392)
Kashmir shawl
circa 1875–1899
woman's tunic (aba)
1800s–early 1900s
embroidered cloth
1800s–early 1900s
sutra (in Pali)
late 1800s
John Rogers & Sons (active 1818–1836), plate
John Rogers & Sons (active 1818–1836)
mid 1800s
Petrus Regout (1801–1878), bowl
Petrus Regout (1801–1878)
circa 1891–early 1900s
Worcester Porcelain Company, teapot with cover
Worcester Porcelain Company
circa 1750–1780
Daoist priest's robe (jiangyi)
late 1800s or early 1900s, Qing dynasty (1644–1911)
Bactrian camel (tomb figure)
800s, Tang dynasty (618 CE–907 CE)
Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797–1861), Bodaichū Kodaisō attended by the Physician Shini Andōzen
Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797–1861)
circa 1827–1830, Edo period (1600–1868)
Li Shan (1926–2019), Camel Riders on Tianshan
Li Shan (1926–2019)
Shaka Triad with Sixteen Deities
1800s, Edo period (1600–1868) or Meiji period
Amitābha (阿弥陀仏 Amida butsu; 阿弥陀如来 Amida nyorai)
circa 1400s, Muromachi period (1338–1573)
Anne Allen (late 1700s); Jean-Baptist Pillement (1728–1808), untitled (chinoiserie design)
Anne Allen (late 1700s); Jean-Baptist Pillement (1728–1808)
circa 1796
1700s or 1800s, Edo period (1600–1868)
Kanō Kazunobu (1815–1863), Shakyamuni undergoing austerities
Kanō Kazunobu (1815–1863)
mid 1800s, Edo period (1600–1868)
1454, Ming dynasty (1368–1644)
Kannon (Avalokitesvara)
1300s–late 1400s, Nambokuchō period (1337–1392) to Muromachi period (1338–1573)
Yoshida Hiroshi (1876–1950), Tsukiyo no tajimaharu, dai shi (Moonlight at Taj Mahal No. 4)
Yoshida Hiroshi (1876–1950)
1931, Showa period (1926–1989)
Hyakuman-tō (three-tiered pagoda)
1700s or 1800s, Edo period (1600–1868)
bianhu (pilgrimage flask) with dancing monkey
600–700s, early Tang dynasty (618 CE–907 CE)
unrecorded Hausa-Fulani artist, indigo cloth
unrecorded Hausa-Fulani artist
early 1800s, Edo period (1600–1868)
unrecorded Hausa-Fulani artist, wrap skirt
unrecorded Hausa-Fulani artist
Jellal Ben Abdallah (1921–2017), Orchestre sous-marine (Underwater Orchestra)
Jellal Ben Abdallah (1921–2017)
Calcutta Art Studio (founded 1878), Kali
Calcutta Art Studio (founded 1878)
circa 1890
Yoonmi Nam (born 1974), Toile
Yoonmi Nam (born 1974)
Fish-Basket Guanyin
1700s–1800s, Qing dynasty (1644–1911)