NetWorks: Art and Artists from the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection


Exhibition Overview

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NetWorks: Art and Artists from the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection
Susan Earle, curator
Stephen Goddard, curator
March 31, 2011–July 24, 2011
Gallery 318, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

In 2009 the Spencer received a gift from the collection of two extraordinary patrons. Dorothy and Herbert Vogel, New Yorkers of modest means, decided to begin collecting the work of emerging artists shortly after their marriage in 1962. Through their patronage, the Vogels encouraged and supported more than 177 remarkable artists, 25 of whom are represented in their gift of 50 works to the Spencer Museum. The Vogel Network celebrates the addition of the Vogel donation to the Spencer collection.

Among these 50 pieces are everything from studies and sketches to highly finished works of art. As a group, they demonstrate the Vogel’s confidence to act instinctively, acquiring works that provoked their mind’s eye, whether by established or—more frequently—emerging artists. Through the process of collecting, the Vogels wove a rich web of connections with a diverse group of artists, many of whom had their own interactions with one another. This network of artistic and personal connections, with Herb and Dorothy at its center, has become our way of visualizing the significance of the Vogel Collection.

The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection came to the Spencer through the auspices of the National Gallery of Art, which has collaborated with the Vogels since the early 1990s. All exhibited works share a common acknowledgment:

"The Helen Foresman Spencer Museum of Art, The University of Kansas, The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Fifty States, a joint initiative of the Trustees of the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection and the National Gallery of Art, with generous support of the National Endowment for the Arts and the Institute of Museum and Library Services."

This exhibition was organized by a team of curators and Museum interns: Susan Earle, Denise Giannino, Stephen Goddard, Chassica Kirchhoff, Kate Meyer, Meredith Moore, and Ellen Raimond.

Exhibition images

Works of art


April 4, 2011
April 15, 2011
April 15, 2011
April 15, 2011
Gallery 317 Central Court
April 15, 2011
309 Auditorium
April 28, 2011
309 Auditorium
April 30, 2011
Gallery 317 Central Court
April 30, 2011
Gallery 317 Central Court

