Josh MacPhee,
Artist Overview
Artist name:Josh MacPhee
Works of Art: 133

Emma Goldman, 2002

Augusto Cesar Sandino, 2002

Battle of the Homestead, 2002

Wangari Maathai, 2003

Elisee Reclus, 2003

Phoolan Devi, 2003

Las Mujeres Libres, 2004

Suicide Club, 2004

Milwaukee 14, 2005

Cochamba Water Struggle, 2005

Louise Olivereau, 2005

Highlander Folk School, 2005

The Silent Majority, 2005

Nueva Cancion, 2005

Las Gorras Blancas, 2005

The White Rose, 2006

Korean Peasant's League, 2006

Dolores Huerta, 2006

Miss Molly Jackson, 2007

Battle of Blair Mountain, 2007

Secession of the Plebs, 2007

IWW Local 8, 2007

Act Up Philadelphia, 2007

B.U.G.A. U.P., 2007

Durruti Column, 2007

Kalamazoo Corset Strike, 2008

Grace and Jimmy Boggs, 2008

Dil Pickle Club, 2009

Narmada Bachao Andolan, 2009

Atenco Aguanta, 2009

Madres de Plaza de Mayo, 2009

Flint Sit-Down Strike, 2009

The Haitian Revolution, 2010

Assata Shakur is Free, 2010

Los Siete de la Raza, 2010

Sacco and Vanzetti, 2010

El Hijo del Auizote, 2010

The Diggers, 2010

Jana Sanskriti, 2010

Sacred Ground, 2011

The International Hotel, 2012

Vieques Libre, 2012

Seki Ran Kai, 2012

Jane Jacobs, 2012

Prison Justice Day, 2012

Animal Liberation Front, 2012

Major Taylor, 2012

New Jewish Agenda, 2012

The Underground Railroad, 2012

Audre Lorde, 2013

Grace Paley, 2013

Squamish 5, 2013

Grandmothers of Austin, 2014

Matilde Landa, 2014

Amazon Army, 2014

The Pueblo Revolt, 2015

Primo Tapia de la Cruz, 2015

Chico Mendes, 2015

Soon They'll All Be Gone, 2010

Planeta o Muerte, 2010

Fracking..., 2010

Mountain Top Removal, 2010

Question Biofuels, 2010

No Uranium, 2010

Coal Kills Communities, 2010

The Monster is Real, 2010

Stump City, 2010

Slow Industrial Genocide, 2010

Overfishing, 2010

Exhibitions: 29
CuratedByVoc, curator
CuratedByVoc, curator
Kate Meyer, curator
Celka Straughn, curator
CuratedByVoc, curator
CuratedByVoc, curator
Kate Meyer, curator