Johann Wilhelm Baur, 1607-1642
Artist Overview
Artist name:Johann Wilhelm Baur
Works of Art: 153

Plate 132: Aeneam Dido splendide accipit, 1639–1641

Plate 72: Scylla et Minos (Scylla and Minos), 1639–1641

Plate 21: Coronis ab Apolline per calumniam corvi transfigitur (Coronis Is Transfixed by Apollo), 1639–1641

Plate 117: Achilles a Phoebo transfixus, 1639–1641

Plate 97: Venus et Adonis (Venus and Adonis), 1639–1641

Plate 138: Pici focii in feras converti, 1639–1641

Plate 28: Milites e serpentis nascuntur dentibus (Soldiers Spring from the Serpent's Teeth), 1639–1641

Plate 3: Aetas aurea (The Golden Age), 1639–1641

Plate 4: Aetas argentea (The Silver Age), 1639–1641

Plate 101: Optio Midae (Midas' Wish), 1639–1641

Plate 137: Picus in avem (Picus into a Bird), 1639–1641

Plate 71: Procridis mors (Procris' Death), 1639–1641

Plate 113: Domus famae (The House of Fame), 1639–1641

Plate 8: Diluvium (The Flood), 1639–1641

Plate 62: Iason et Medea (Jason and Medea), 1639–1641

Plate 100: Orpheus a Bacchis mulieribus interficitur (Orpheus Is Slain by Female Bacchantes), 1639–1641

Plate 55: Arachnes a Pallade in araneam muatio (The Transformation of Arachne into a Spider), 1639–1641

Plate 12: Iupiter et Io (Jove and Io), 1639–1641

Plate 30: Actaeon a propriis canibus discerpitur (Acteon Is Torn Apart by His Own Hounds), 1639–1641

Plate 40: Salmacis et Hermaphroditus in unum corpus (Salmacis and Hermaphroditus Become One), 1639–1641

Plate 44: Atlas in montem fui nominis conuerfus (Atlas is Turned into the Mountain of that Name), 1639–1641

Plate 121: Perdix puer in avem, 1639–1641

album cover for Ovid's metamorphoses, 1639–1641