Signs of Religious Faith: Photographs from the Collection


Exhibition Overview

Signs of Religious Faith: Photographs from the Collection
Signs of Religious Faith: Photographs from the Collection
Elissa Anderson, curator
North Balcony, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas

Drawn from the Spencer Museum of Art's collection, this installation consists of photographs made since the nineteenth century depicting Chrisitan spaces and devotional practices in Europe and North America. These photographs show how individuals and communities interact with religion. They might be understood as ethnographic reportage and comments on the changing manifestations of religion in modern society.

Exhibition images

Works of art

Clarence Kennedy (1892–1972), Hand of the Madonna, Feet of the Child
Clarence Kennedy (1892–1972)
Bill Owens (born 1938), untitled (Ronald Reagan on TV)
Bill Owens (born 1938)
circa 1973
Luis González Palma (born 1957), Corazon I (Winged man with heart) (Heart I)
Luis González Palma (born 1957)
Andres Serrano (born 1950), Madonna and Child II
Andres Serrano (born 1950)
Joel Peter Witkin (born 1939), untitled
Joel Peter Witkin (born 1939)